Information courtesy of Peter G. Levine, author of the world's best selling book on stroke recovery, Stronger After Stroke.
Thoughts on Gifts for Stroke Patients
Stroke Information for Friends & Family

- The most important gift you can give a survivor is your time. Often months and years later, the thing survivors remember most is the company they received. A phone call, a visit, a text.... seems so simple but not to the stroke survivor whose mobility is limited. Social interactions will also help the survivor recover.
For survivors with children, organizing play dates for their kids can be a big help!
Stroke recovery is done in three phases. First the acute phase. The acute phase (~day 1 to day 7). The subacute phase (~day 7 to 3 months). This is usually done with some help from therapist. You will experience the most recovery during this phase. This is the time that rehabilitation should "put the pedal to the metal." The chronic phase (~3 months to day 7). Typically the survivor has very little contact with rehabilitation professionals during the chronic phase. This is the time to implement a "do-it-yourself" plan for recovery. Up to very recently it was thought that no recovery could be made during the chronic phase. We now know, however, because of the brain's amazing ability to rewire itself, it's important progress can meet me during the chronic phase.
Helpful Stroke Resources for Friends & Family
Gifts for Stroke Survivors: A list of suggestion by Peter Levine with the help of the Young Stroke Survivors Facebook group
Comfort clothing can make your loved one feel better. Dr. Comfort has comfortable slippers that make a great gift for when the survivor returns home.
Flowers are good gifts for aroma therapy.
A journal for all the millions of thoughts that buzz around the survivor's head. This is great stress management.
Photos of loved ones. A photo album with lots of pictures, where they were taken etc. (Survivors often forgot a lot!) Positive sayings in there as well as written prayers and messages from other friends.
Information provided by Peter G. Levine. Peter is the author of the best selling book on stroke recovery in the world, Stronger After Stroke. He has authored dozens of journals and magazine articles on stroke recovery, has done more than 300 talks on stroke recovery and is publisher of the Stroke Recovery Blog.
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