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Savory Favorites Meat and Cheese Gift Basket

Savory Favorites Meat and Cheese Gift Basket

  Home Delivery Only

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Terms of Delivery

HOME DELIVERY ONLY:  This item is drop shipped and can typically take about 3-5 business days for delivery. Please provide the recipient's home address in the special instructions at checkout.

Delivery within the U.S. ONLY, excluding Alaska and Hawaii.

A free personalized gift card is included during checkout.

Includes: Three Cheese Sourdough Crackers, Focaccia Parmesan Crackers, 6 oz Go Nuts Honey Sweet Peanuts, 4 oz Snacks A Lot crunch, 3.5 oz Blue cheese Herb Mustard, 3.5 oz Maine Maple Champagne Mustard, 6 oz Roasted Garlic Cheese Square, 6 oz Tomato Basil Cheese Square, 1 oz. Vintage Cheddar Bar, 1 oz Vegetable Cheese Bar, 5 oz Usinger’s Beef Summer Sausage, 5 oz Usinger’s Beef Salami with garlic, 12 oz Usinger’s Farmer’s Summer Sausage biased cut, 15” wood with rope accents and drop handles basket.