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Gown with Long Sleeves and Mitten Cuffs, Heathered Gray, Newborn

Gown with Long Sleeves and Mitten Cuffs, Heathered Gray, Newborn

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SwaddleDesigns 100% premium soft cotton pajama gown with long sleeves and foldover mitten cuffs is a lovely gift for parents of a new baby. The pajama gown has an elasticized opening at the foot making diaper changes a breeze. No snaps to mess with. The overlapping neckline allows for wide and gentle opening over baby’s head when dressing baby, and removal of the gown can occur down from shoulders if needed. It is loose fitting which allows for air circulation around the healing belly button which is important in the first few weeks after birth. Mitten cuffs can be folded over for protection from sharp fingernails. New parents love SwaddleDesigns soft beautiful pajama gowns.